King James Dictionary [1]
Ven'Ture, n. L. venio, ventus, venturus, to come.
1. A hazard an undertaking of chance or danger the risking of something upon an event which cannot be foreseen with tolerable certainty.
I, in this venture, double gains pursue.
2. Chance hap contingency luck an event that is not or cannot be foreseen. 3. The thing put to hazard particularly, something sent to sea in trade.
My ventures are not in one bottom trusted.
At a venture, at hazard without seeing the end or mark or without foreseeing the issue.
A bargain at a venture made.
A certain man drew a bow at a venture. 1 Kings 22 .
1. To dare to have courage or presumption to do, undertake or say. A man ventures to mount a ladder he ventures into battle he ventures to assert things which he does not know. 2. To run a hazard or risk.
Who freights a ship to venture on the seas.
To venture at,
To venture on or upon, To dare to engage in to attempt without any certainty of success. It is rash to venture upon such a project.
And when I venture at the comic style.
1. To expose to hazard to risk as, to venture one's person in a balloon. 2. To put or send on a venture or chance as, to venture a horse to the West Indies.
Webster's Dictionary [2]
(1): ( n.) The thing put to hazard; a stake; a risk; especially, something sent to sea in trade.
(2): ( n.) An undertaking of chance or danger; the risking of something upon an event which can not be foreseen with certainty; a hazard; a risk; a speculation.
(3): ( n.) An event that is not, or can not be, foreseen; an accident; chance; hap; contingency; luck.
(4): ( v. t.) To expose to hazard; to risk; to hazard; as, to venture one's person in a balloon.
(5): ( v. t.) To put or send on a venture or chance; as, to venture a horse to the West Indies.
(6): ( v. t.) To confide in; to rely on; to trust.
(7): ( v. i.) To hazard one's self; to have the courage or presumption to do, undertake, or say something; to dare.
(8): ( v. i.) To make a venture; to run a hazard or risk; to take the chances.