Vegius Maffei
From BiblePortal Wikipedia
Vegius Maffei [1]
an Italian priest, canon of St. John of Lateran, was born at Lodi, in Lombardy, in 1407, and died at Rome in 1458. He enjoyed great reputation as a theologian and writer. His most important work is Tractatus de educatione liberorum et clsais eorum studiis ac moribus (Paris, 1511). It was often reprinted, and was considered in its day one of the best on the subject of education. He also wrote Philalethes seu de amore veritatis invisce et exulantis dialogus; de perseverantia religionis; de quatuor homines rebus novissi-nis; also biographies of St. Bernard of Sienna, St. Peter Celestin, Augustine, and Monica, and a continuation of Virgil's AEneid in 13 vols., etc. — Herzog, Real-Encyclop Ä die, 8:660.