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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: Ἀνυπότακτος (Strong'S #506 — Adjective — anupotaktos — an-oo-pot'-ak-tos )

"not subject to rule" (a, negative, n, euphonic, hupotasso, "to put in subjection"), is used (a) of things,  Hebrews 2:8 , RV, "not subject" (AV, "not put under"); (b) of persons, "unruly,"  1—Timothy 1:9 , RV (AV, "disobedient");  Titus 1:6,10 . See Disobedient , B, Note.

2: Ἀτάκτως (Strong'S #814 — Adverb — ataktos — at-ak'-toce )

is rendered "unruly" in  1—Thessalonians 5:14 , AV (marg. and RV, "disorderly"). See Disorderly , A.

 James 3:8Restless.

King James Dictionary [2]


1. Disregarding restraint licentious disposed to violate laws turbulent ungovernable as an unruly youth.

The tongue can no man tame it is an unruly evil.  James 4 .

2. Accustomed to break over fences and escape from inclosures apt to break or leap fences as an unruly ox.

The owner of the unruly ox paid a sum of money, as a penalty for the ransom of his life.

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(superl.) Not submissive to rule; disregarding restraint; disposed to violate; turbulent; ungovernable; refractory; as, an unruly boy; unruly boy; unruly conduct.
