
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): ( v. t.) To disentangle; to disengage or separate the threads of; as, to unravel a stocking.

(2): ( v. t.) Hence, to clear from complication or difficulty; to unfold; to solve; as, to unravel a plot.

(3): ( v. t.) To separate the connected or united parts of; to throw into disorder; to confuse.

(4): ( v. i.) To become unraveled, in any sense.

King James Dictionary [2]


1. To disentangle to disengage or separate threads that are knit. 2. To free to clear from complication or difficulty. 3. To separate connected or united parts to throw into disorder.

Nature all unravel'd.

4. To unfold, as the plot or intrigue of a play.

Unrav'El, To be unfolded to be disentangled.
