Tikvah; Tikvath

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Tikvah; Tikvath [1]

tik´va , tik´vath ( תּקוה , tiḳwāh , "hope"):

(1) The father-in-law of Huldah the prophetess ( 2 Kings 22:14 ) (Codex Vaticanus Θεκκουαύ , Thekkouaú  ; Codex Alexandrinus Θεκκουέ , Thekkoué  ; Lucian Θεκουέ , Thekoué ), called in  2 Chronicles 34:22 "Tokhath" ( Ḳerē תּקהת , Kethı̄bh תוקהת , Codex Vaticanus Καθουάλ , Kathouál  ; Codex Alexandrinus Θακουάθ , Thakouáth , Lucian Θεκωέ , Thekōé ). The reading of 2 Kings is to be preferred.

(2) The father of Jahzeiah ( Ezra 10:15 ) (Codex Vaticanus Ἑλκειά , Helkeiá  ; Codex Alexandrinus Θεκουέ , Thekoué , called "Theocanus," Revised Version "Thocanus" in 1 Esdras 9:14).
