Thomas Meredith

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Thomas Meredith [1]

a Baptist minister, was born at Warwick, Bucks County, Pa. After graduating (Jan. 4, 1816) in the University of Philadelphia, he began the study of theology, as licensed Dec. 10, 1816, and two years after he was ordained at Edenton. In 1819 he was settled as pastor of the Baptist Church at Newbern. In 1822 he accepted a call of the Baptist Church of Savannah, and finally settled in 1825 as pastor of the Church at Edenton, N. C., where he remained for nine years. He commenced the publication of the Baptist Interpreter, the first Baptist paper printed in North Carolina. In 1835 he returned to the Church of Newbern, where he published the Biblical Recorder. In 1840 he removed to Raleigh, where he continued to issue the paper, though his health was too feeble to allow him to take a pastoral charge. He died Nov. 13, 1850. He published a pamphlet entitled Christianity and Slavery in 1847, which had previously appeared in the Biblical Recorder.
