Thomas Lord Plunket

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Thomas Lord Plunket [1]

a bishop of the Church of Ireland, was born in 1799, being the eldest son of William Conyngham Plunket, the Irish chancellor, distinguished as a lawyer, an orator, and a statesman, and whom he succeeded as second baron in 1854. Dr. Plunket was appointed dean of Down in 1831, and promoted to the bishopric of Tuam in 1839. He became ecclesiastical commissioner in 1851, and died at Tourmakready, County Mayo, October 19, 1866, being at the time patron of ninety-five livings in his united diocese of Tuam, Killala, and Achonry. He was an indefatigable laborer in the missionary department of his work, especially in Collnaught. See Amer. Quar. Church Rev. January, page 655.
