Thomas Horton

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Thomas Horton [1]

An English divine, was born at London, and was educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, of which he became fellow. In 1637 he was university preacher, and in July of this year he was chosen master of Queen's College, Cambridge, and minister of St. Mary Colechurch, London. In 1641 he became professor of divinity at Gresham College, and in 1647 preacher of Gray's Inn, and vice-chancellor of Cambridge in 1650. He was ejected for nonconformity in 1662, but he afterwards conformed, and was appointed vicar of Great St. Helen's, London, in 1666. He died in 1673. He was a pious and learned man, especially skilled in the Oriental languages. Of his works, which are very scarce, the principal are SermonPsalms 87:4-6), Zion'S Birth-Register Unfolded (London 1656, 4to) Forty-Six Sermons on the eighth Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans (London 1674, fol.) Choice and practical Expositions on four select Psalms (4, 42, 59, 63) (London, 1675, fol.) One hundred select Sermons upon several Texts; fifty upon the Old Testament and fifty on the New: left perfected in the press under his own hands (London1679, fol.). Stoughton (John), Ecclesiastes Hist. Of England (London, 1870, 2 vols. 8vo), 1, 156, 288; Darling, Cyclop. Bibliographica, 1, 1531; Hook, Ecclesiastes Biog. 6, 185 sq.; Wood, Athen. Oxon. 2 (see Index); Allibone, Dictionary of Authors, 1, 895.
