Thomas Galland

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Thomas Galland [1]

an English Wesleyan minister, was born at Hull. He was converted at the age of fifteen, under the ministry of W.E. Miller, and being: designed for the ministry of the Church of England, was sent to Cambridge, where he graduated as master of arts. He entered the Methodist ministry, but still prosecuted his studies. He was one of the advanced liberal members of the Conference, but, with independence of thought, he deferred to the peace and unity of the Church. With unbending principles, he was; tender and charitable towards others; with great vigor of intellect, he was simple, frank, and ingenuous; with an anxious desire for the freedom of the Church, he had a fixed concern for Christian order. He was a leader in the institution of that body and of its spiritual government, and ably advocated all its great interests His ministry, which began in 1816, was evangelical,. ardent, and powerful; and he was withal a diligent and faithful pastor. He died suddenly at Hull, May 12, 1843, aged forty-nine years. Galland was wealthy and; liberal. As a pulpit expositor of Scripture, he was. perhaps, without an equal in his day. See Minutes of the British Conference, 1843; Stevenson, City-Road Chapel, page 266; Smith, Hist. of Wesl. Meth. 3:35, 229, 244, 350, 355, 412, 419, 478, 479; Everett, West Centenary Takinags, volume 2, sketch 9.
