Thieves The Two
Thieves The Two [1]
Thieves, The Two. The men who, under this name, appear in the history of the crucifixion were robbers rather than thieves, belonging to the lawless bands, by which Palestine was, at that time, and afterward, infested. Against these brigands, every Roman procurator had to wage continual war. It was necessary to use an armed police to encounter them. Luke 22:62. Of the previous history of the two, who suffered on Golgotha, we know nothing. They had been tried and condemned, and were waiting their execution, before our Lord was accused. It is probable enough, as the death of Barabbas was clearly expected at the same time, that they had taken part in his insurrection, and had expected to die with Jesus Barabbas.
They find themselves with one who bore the same name, but who was described in the superscription, on his cross, as Jesus of Nazareth . They could hardly have failed to hear something of his fame as a prophet, of his triumphal entry as a king. They catch, at first, the prevailing tone of scorn. But over one of them, there came a change. He looked back upon his past life, and saw an infinite evil. He looked to the man dying on the cross, beside him, and saw an infinite compassion.
Here, indeed, was one unlike all other "kings of the Jews," whom the robber had ever known. Such a one must be all that he had claimed to be. To be forgotten by that king seems to him now, the most terrible of all punishments; to take part in the triumph of his return, the most blessed of all hopes. The yearning prayer was answered, not in the letter, but in the spirit.