Theodor Harms

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Theodor Harms [1]

brother of Louis (q.v.), was born in 1819. When thirty years of age he was called as missionary inspector to Hermannsburg, and succeeded his brother in 1865. In 1878 Harms put himself at the head of those ministers who left the State Church and formed separate congregations. This separation was neither in the interest of the Church nor in the interest of the great missionary work with which Harms was intrusted, and the more so as he had not those talents which would qualify him to become a party leader. Friends of Harms had, therefore, often tried to heal the breach between the State Church and the Hermannsburg Mission, but all efforts were in vain, on account of Harms being too headstrong a person. He died February 16, 1885. Besides a biographical sketch of his brother Louis (5th ed. 1877), he published, Das Hohelied kurz erklart (Leipsic, 1870): Der zweite Brief Petri (1873): Der Psalter erklart (2d ed. 1870): Das dritte Buch Mose kunz ausgelegt (1871): Der Heilsweg in 22 Predigten (1871; 3d ed. 1877): Die letzten Dinge (1872; 3d ed. 1875): Der Prophet Maleachi erklart (1878): Zu Jesu Fussen, Predigten (1877). (B.P.)
