Webster's Dictionary [1]
(1): ( v.) A flat roof to a house; as, the buildings of the Oriental nations are covered with terraces.
(2): ( v.) A street, or a row of houses, on a bank or the side of a hill; hence, any street, or row of houses.
(3): ( v.) A balcony, especially a large and uncovered one.
(4): ( v.) A raised level space, shelf, or platform of earth, supported on one or more sides by a wall, a bank of tuft, or the like, whether designed for use or pleasure.
(5): ( v.) A level plain, usually with a steep front, bordering a river, a lake, or sometimes the sea.
(6): ( v. t.) To form into a terrace or terraces; to furnish with a terrace or terraces, as, to terrace a garden, or a building.
Holman Bible Dictionary [2]
2 Chronicles 9:11
Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [3]
( מְסַלָּה , Mesillah, 2 Chronicles 9:11; Sept. Ἀνάβασις ; a Highway, as elsewhere usually rendered), a staircase, constructed by Solomon for his edifices out of the algum-trees imported from the East Indies. (See Palace); (See Temple).
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [4]
ter´ā́s ( מסלּה , meṣillāh ): Solomon is said, in 2 Chronicles 9:11 , to have made of the algum trees brought him from Ophir "terraces," or raised walks, for the house of Yahweh. In the parallel 1 Kings 10:12 , the word used is rendered "pillars," margin "'a railing'; Hebrew 'a prop.'"