Temperate Temperance

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Temperate Temperance [1]

'''A — 1: ἐγκράτεια (Strong'S #1466 — Noun Feminine — enkrateia — eng-krat'-i-ah )

from kratos, "strength," occurs in  Acts 24:25;  Galatians 5:23;  2 Peter 1:6 (twice), in all of which it is rendered "temperance;" the Rv marg., "self-control" is the preferable rendering, as "temperance" is now limited to one form of self-control; the various powers bestowed by God upon man are capable of abuse; the right use demands the controlling power of the will under the operation of the Spirit of God; in   Acts 24:25 the word follows "righteousness," which represents God's claims, self-control being man's response thereto; in   2 Peter 1:6 , it follows "knowledge," suggesting that what is learned requires to be put into practice.

'''B — 1: ἐγκρατής (Strong'S #1468 — Adjective — enkrates — eng-krat-ace' )

akin to A, denotes "exercising self-control," rendered "temperate" in  Titus 1:8 .

'''B — 2: νηφάλιος (Strong'S #3524 — Adjective — nephalios — nah-fal'-eh-os, nay-fal'-ee-os )

for which see Sober , is translated "temperate" in  1 Timothy 3:2 , Rv (Av, "vigilant"); in  1 Timothy 3:11;  Titus 2:2 , Rv (Av, "sober").

 Titus 2:2

'''C — 1: ἐγκρατεύομαι (Strong'S #1467 — Verb — enkrateuomai — eng-krat-yoo'-om-ahee )

akin to A and B, No. 1, rendered "is temperate" in  1 Corinthians 9:25 , is used figuratively of the rigid self-control practiced by athletes with a view to gaining the prize. See Continency.
