
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]

Tahpenes (  1 Kings 11:19 ). The name of Pharaoh’s wife, whose sister was given to Hadad the Edomite. It has the appearance of an Egyptian name, but has not yet been explained. The name of her son Genubath is not Egyptian. The Pharaoh should be of the weak 21st Dynasty.

F. Ll. Griffith.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [2]

Tah'penes. An Egyptian queen, was wife of the Pharaoh, who received Hadad, the Edomite, and who gave him, her sister in marriage.  1 Kings 11:18-20. (B.C. about 1000).

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [3]

Wife of the Pharaoh (conjectured to be Psusennes of the Tanitic line) who received Hadad the Edomite, when fleeing from David ( 1 Kings 11:19). Her sister married Hadad.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [4]

Queen of Egypt and sister of the wife of Hadad.  1 Kings 11:19,20 .

Holman Bible Dictionary [5]

 1 Kings 11:19-20

Easton's Bible Dictionary [6]

 1 Kings 11:19,20

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [7]

ta´pe - nēz , ta - pē´nēz ( תּחפּניס , taḥpenēṣ  ; Septuagint Θεκεμ ( ρ Ο2 επ ) ίνα , Thekem ( e ) ı́na ): Queen of Egypt, the sister of Hadad's wife and the foster-mother of his son Genubath (  1 Kings 11:19 f). See Pharaoh .

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [8]

Tah´penes (head of the age), a queen of Egypt, consort of the Pharaoh contemporary with David. Her sister was given in marriage to Hadad, the fugitive prince of Edom [HADAD].
