Subverting Subvert

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Subverting Subvert [1]

'''A — 1: ἀνασκευάζω (Strong'S #384 — Verb — anaskeuazo — an-ask-yoo-ad'-zo )

primarily, "to pack up baggage" (ana, "up," skeuos, "a vessel"), hence, from a military point of view, "to dismantle a town, to plunder," is used metaphorically in  Acts 15:24 , of unsettling or "subverting" the souls of believers. In the papyri it is used of going bankrupt.

 Titus 1:11Overthrow Titus 3:11Pervert

'''B — 1: καταστροφή (Strong'S #2692 — Noun Feminine — katastrophe — kat-as-trof-ay' )

"an overthrow,"  2 Peter 2:6 (Eng., "catastrophe"), is rendered "subverting" in   2 Timothy 2:14 . See Overthrow.
