
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: Κατασοφίζομαι (Strong'S #2686 — Verb — katasophizomai — kat-as-of-id'-zom-ahee )

"to deal subtly" (from kata, "against, under," sophos, "wise, subtle," used in the Sept. in  2—Samuel 13:3 , of Jonadab), occurs in  Acts 7:19 . In the Sept.,  Exodus 1:10 .

King James Dictionary [2]

SUB'TILLY, adv. Thinly not densely.

1. Finely not grossly or thickly.

The opakest bodies, if subtilly divided--become perfectly transparent.

2. Artfully cunningly craftily as a scheme subtilly contrived.
