
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Strafmichgott-Bibel [1]

is the name of a German Bible translation prepared by Johann Piscator (Herborn. 1602-4, 4 vols.). This translation, the first, which was made by a member of the Reformed Church into the German language, though complete, is very deficient, and bears its name (Strafmichgott-Bibel) from its translation of  Mark 8:12 : "Wann diesem Geschlechte ein Zeichen wirdt gegeben werden, so Strafe Mich Gott. " The translation closely follows the Latin version of Junius and Tremellius, and the German teems with Latinisms. For a time this version was used in Berne and other places. See Theol. Universal-Lexikon, s.v. (B.P.)
