Storehouses [1]
stōr´houz - iz , - ez : The following chief changes in the use of this word (representing various Hebrew words) in the Revised Version (British and American) to be noted are: In Deuteronomy 28:8 , the Revised Version (British and American) has "barns" ( 'ăṣāmı̄m ); in 1 Chronicles 27:25 , "treasures" ( 'ōcārōth ); in Nehemiah 12:25 , for "thresholds" has "storehouses" ( 'ăsuppı̄m ), so, for "Asuppim" in 1 Chronicles 26:15 , 1 Chronicles 26:17 ("house of Asuppim," "toward Asuppim") has "store-house"; in Luke 12:24 , for "storehouse" has "store-chamber" ( tameı́on ). In other passages the King James Version "storehouse" is retained ( Genesis 41:56; 2 Chronicles 32:28 , miṣkenōth ; Psalm 33:7 , 'ōcārōth ; Jeremiah 50:26 , ma'ăbhuṣı̄m ).