St. Waast (Or Wast, Lat. Vedastus)

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St. Waast (Or Wast, Lat. Vedastus) [1]

Waast (or Wast, Lat. Vedastus), St.

a French ecclesiastic, was born, according to some, on the borders of Perigord and Limousin, and, according to others, at Toul. After living a hermit life near the latter place, he was ordained as priest by its bishop and made catechist of Clovis, who had just embraced Christianity (496). That prince took him to Rheims and recommended him to Remi, who nominated him as bishop of Arras (about 499), and afterwards of Cambrai (about 510). He abolished the idolatrous customs of both sees, and built chapels, etc. He died at Arras, Feb. 6, 540. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. G neral, s.v.
