St. Nicet(As) Or Nicetius

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

St. Nicet(As) Or Nicetius [1]

Nicet(as) Or Nicetius, St. (2),

a French prelate and martyr to the Christian cause, died in the first part of the 7th century, probably in 612. He is commemorated on Jan. 31; yet Bollandus has.published his acts under the date of Feb. 8. But little is known of the life of this St. Nicetas. He was archbishop of Besanon when St. Colombanus, arriving in Sequania, founded there the monastery of Luxeuil. Later St. Colombanus, pursued by the Gauls, passed through Besanon; St. Nicetas gave the most honorable reception to this illustrious outlaw, and assisted him to retreat into Italy. Nicetas was very zealous in maintaining the purity of the faith in his vast diocese, which he traversed frequently, preaching and instructing the people. Gregory the Great had great confidence in Nicetas, and consulted him on all important occasions. See Dunod de Charnage, Hist. de l'Eglise de Besangon, vol i; Gallia Christiana, vol. xv, col. 12; L'abbe Richard, Hist. des Dioc. de Besangon et de St. Claude, vol. i.
