St. (Primoe Rasteo) Sabbas

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

St. (Primoe Rasteo) Sabbas [1]

Sabbas, St. (Primoe Rasteo),

a mediaeval ecclesiastic, was born during the latter part of the 12th century. He was the son of Stephen Nemania, founder of the kingdom of Servia. Contrary to the wishes of his father, Rasteo embraced the monastic life, and, though young, was soon made abbot. He prevailed upon the patriarch of Constantinople to create a Servian archbishopric, and was himself the first to enjoy the position. He made an extended our through Egypt and the Holy Land, and, on his return, died at Truava, in Bulgaria, Jan. 14, 1237. His remains were placed in the monastery at Milechivo, but were burned in 1595 by the order of Sikan Pasha. The 14th of January is kept in memory of this saint.
