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Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [1]

 2 Samuel 23:20 (c) The snow would make the sides of the pit very slippery and dangerous. This great servant of David cared nothing about the hazards to his own life. This was characteristic of him as he fought for David.

 Job 9:30 (c) The finest efforts of men and the best means of improvement by man are not sufficient to make and keep any person clean in GOD's sight.

 Isaiah 1:18 (a) By this we see the beautiful, stainless character of the one who is cleansed by GOD through the Blood of Jesus Christ His Son.

 Isaiah 55:10 (a) There is sometimes a delay in the entrance of GOD's Word into the heart. Rain falls and does its good work immediately. Snow falls and may remain on the ground quite a long time before it soaks in. So, one may hear a sermon and some parts of it will bless the person immediately, as the rain. Other parts of the message will remain in the heart and mind dormant for years. Then when the proper conditions arise, and the right circumstances exist, the dormant message becomes a living message to the heart.

 Revelation 1:14 (c) The white hair of our blessed Lord indicates that He is the Ancient of Days, filled with wisdom, knowledge, understanding and experience. It is in contrast to the black hair described in the  Song of Solomon 5:11.

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [2]

Is often alluded to in Scripture, for its whiteness,  Exodus 4:6;  Numbers 12:10;  2 Kings 5:27;  Psalm 51:7;  Isaiah 1:18 , and for its cleansing qualities,  Job 9:30 . The expression in  Proverbs 25:13 , "as the cold of snow in the time of harvest," alludes to its use in preparing cool drinks for the reapers; while on the other hand, in  Proverbs 26:1 , "snow in summer," that is, a fall of snow, being unseasonable and unnatural, is compared to honors inappropriately lavished on a fool. Snow from Anti-Lebanon is still sold at Damascus and Beyroot in the simmer, and even conveyed to Egypt. It rarely fell of any great depth in the latitude of Palestine, or remained long on the ground except in elevated spots,  2 Samuel 23:20 . Like every other wonder of nature, it is ascribed to the hand of God,  Psalm 147:16,17 .

Smith's Bible Dictionary [3]

Snow. This historical books of the Bible contain only two notices of snow actually falling -  2 Samuel 23:20;  1 Maccabees 13:22; but the allusions in the poetical books are so numerous, that there can be no doubt as to its being an ordinary occurrence in the winter months.  Psalms 147:16;  Psalms 148:8.

The snow lies deep in the ravines of the highest ridge of Lebanon, until the summer is far advanced, and, indeed, never wholly disappears; the summit of Hermon also perpetually glistens with frozen snow. From these sources, probably, the Jews obtained their supplies of ice for the purpose of cooling their beverages in summer.  Proverbs 25:13. The liability to snow must, of course, vary considerably in a country of such varying altitude as Palestine. At Jerusalem, snow often falls to the depth of a foot or more in January or February, but it seldom lies. At Nazareth, it falls more frequently and deeply, and it has been observed to fall even in the maritime plain of Joppa, and about Carmel.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [4]

SNOW . Every winter snow falls occasionally in the mountainous districts of Palestine, but seldom lies for more than a few hours at most for a day or two. The greater part of the year, however, snow, glistening on the shoulders of Great Hermon, is easily seen from most of the higher hills in the country. It is frequently used as a symbol of whiteness and purity (  Exodus 4:6 ,   Psalms 51:7 ,   Isaiah 1:18 ,   Matthew 28:3 etc.). It stands for the cold against which the good housewife provides (  Proverbs 31:21 ). From Mt. Hermon snow has been carried since olden times to great distances, to refresh the thirsty in the burning heat of summer (  Proverbs 26:1 ). Water mithl eth-thilj (‘like the snow’) for coolness, is the modern Arab’s ideal drink.

W. Ewing.

Webster's Dictionary [5]

(1): ( n.) A square-rigged vessel, differing from a brig only in that she has a trysail mast close abaft the mainmast, on which a large trysail is hoisted.

(2): ( n.) Watery particles congealed into white or transparent crystals or flakes in the air, and falling to the earth, exhibiting a great variety of very beautiful and perfect forms.

(3): ( n.) Fig.: Something white like snow, as the white color (argent) in heraldry; something which falls in, or as in, flakes.

(4): ( v. t.) To scatter like snow; to cover with, or as with, snow.

(5): ( v. i.) To fall in or as snow; - chiefly used impersonally; as, it snows; it snowed yesterday.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [6]

1: Χιών (Strong'S #5510 — Noun Feminine — chion — khee-one' )

occurs in  Matthew 28:3;  Revelation 1:14 . Some mss. have it in  Mark 9:3 (AV).

King James Dictionary [7]

SNOW, n. L. nix,nivis The Latin nivis, is contracted from nigis, like Eng. bow.

1. Frozen vapor watery particles congealed into white crystals in the air, and falling to the earth. When there is no wind, these crystals fall in flakes or unbroken collections, sometimes extremely beautiful. 2. A vessel equipped with two masts, resembling the main and fore-masts of a ship, and a third small mast just abaft the mainmast, carrying a try-sail.

SNOW, To fall in snow as, it snows it snowed yesterday.

SNOW, To scatter like snow.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [8]

This is taken in scripture as a symbol of 'whiteness.' The sins as scarlet become as white as snow; the raiment of the Lord in the transfiguration was as white as snow, etc.  Psalm 51:7;  Isaiah 1:18;  Lamentations 4:7;  Daniel 7:9;  Matthew 28:3;  Revelation 1:14 .

Easton's Bible Dictionary [9]

 Psalm 147:16 Job 24:19 Psalm 51:7 68:14 Isaiah 1:18 2 Samuel 23:20 Proverbs 25:13 Jeremiah 18:14

Holman Bible Dictionary [10]

 Isaiah 1:18 Job 9:30 Proverbs 25:13Weather

Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament [11]

SNOW. —See Agriculture in vol. i. p. 40a.

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [12]

(See Palestine .) Climate, at the end.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [13]

snō ( שלג , shelegh , תּלג , telagh Daniel 7:9 ); χιών , chiṓn ): (1) Snow is not uncommon in the winter in Jerusalem, but it never reaches any depth and in many winters it is not seen at all. It usually disappears, for the most part, as soon as the sun appears, though it may "hide itself" for a time in the gorge cut by a stream ( Job 6:16 ). On lower levels than Jerusalem there is never sufficient to cover the ground, though often there are some flakes seen in the air. Even at sea-level there is occasionally a sufficient fall of hail to cover the ground. A very exceptional snowfall is related in 1 Macc 13:22 at Adora (near Hebron). It was heavy enough to prevent the movement of troops. (2) The tops of the mountains of Lebanon are white with snow for most of the year, and snow may be found in large banks in the valleys and the northern slopes at any time in the summer. Mt. Hermon, 9,200 ft. high, has long streaks of snow in the valleys all the summer. (3) The snow of the mountains is the source of the water of the springs which last throughout the drought of summer. In case the snow fails there is sure to be a lack of water in the fountains: "Shall the snow of Lebanon fail ... or shall the cold waters that flow down from afar be dried up?" ( Jeremiah 18:14 ). (4) Large quantities of snow are stored in caves in the mountains in winter and are brought down to the cities in summer to be used in place of ice for cooling drinks and refrigerating purposes.

(5) God's power over the elements of Nature is often brought out in the Old Testament: "For he saith to the snow, Fall thou on the earth" ( Job 37:6 ); but man cannot fathom the works of God: "Hast thou entered the treasuries of the snow?" ( Job 38:22 ). "The snowy day" ( 1 Chronicles 11:22;  2 Samuel 23:20 ) and the "fear of snow" ( Proverbs 31:21 ) are figurative uses describing winter and cold. "Snow in summer" (  Proverbs 26:1 ) would be most out of place, yet it might be most refreshing to the tired workmen in the time of harvest.

(6) Snow is the symbol of purity and cleanness, giving us some of our most beautiful passages of Scripture: "Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow" ( Psalm 51:7 ); "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow" ( Isaiah 1:18 ). Carrying the figure farther, snow-water might be expected to have a special value for cleansing: "If I wash myself with snow-water" ( Job 9:30 ). The most common use in Scripture is to denote whiteness in color and implying purity as well: "His raiment was white as snow" ( Daniel 7:9;  Matthew 28:3;  Mark 9:3;  Revelation 1:14 ).

(7) The whiteness of leprosy is compared to snow ( Exodus 4:6;  Numbers 12:10;  2 Kings 5:27 ).

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [14]

Bibliography Information McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Snow'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.
