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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: Νωθρός (Strong'S #3576 — Adjective — nothros — no-thros' )

for which see Slothful , is translated "sluggish" in  Hebrews 6:12 , RV; here it is set in contrast to confident and constant hope; in  Hebrews 5:11 ("dull") to vigorous growth in knowledge. See Dull.

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): ( a.) Habitually idle and lazy; slothful; dull; inactive; as, a sluggish man.

(2): ( a.) Slow; having little motion; as, a sluggish stream.

(3): ( a.) Having no power to move one's self or itself; inert.

(4): ( a.) Characteristic of a sluggard; dull; stupid; tame; simple.
