
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): ( a.) Not easily held; liable or apt to slip away.

(2): ( a.) Having the quality opposite to adhesiveness; allowing or causing anything to slip or move smoothly, rapidly, and easily upon the surface; smooth; glib; as, oily substances render things slippery.

(3): ( a.) Wanton; unchaste; loose in morals.

(4): ( a.) Uncertain in effect.

(5): ( a.) Liable to slip; not standing firm.

(6): ( a.) Not affording firm ground for confidence; as, a slippery promise.

(7): ( a.) Unstable; changeable; mutable; uncertain; inconstant; fickle.

King James Dictionary [2]

Slip'Pery, a.

1. Smooth glib having the quality opposite to adhesiveness as, oily substances render things slippery. 2. Not affording firm footing or confidence as a slippery promise. The slipp'ry tops of human state. 3. Not easily held liable or apt to slip away. The slipp'ry god will try to loose his hold. 4. Not standing firm, as slippery standers. 5. Unstable changeable mutable uncertain as the slippery state of kings. 6. Not certain in its effect as a slippery trick. 7. Lubrious wanton unchaste.

Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [3]

 Psalm 35:6 (b) This describes the uncertainty and precarious condition of the wicked who walk in the dark and do not have nor know the Light of Life.

 Psalm 73:18 (b) Here is indicated the uncertainty of the life of the sinner who at a moment's notice may be taken off into eternity. (See also  Jeremiah 23:12).
