
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): ( n.) A basket. See Skep.

(2): ( n.) A beehive; a skep.

(3): ( n.) A passage from one sound to another by more than a degree at once.

(4): ( n.) The act of passing over an interval from one thing to another; an omission of a part.

(5): ( n.) A basket on wheels, used in cotton factories.

(6): ( n.) An iron bucket, which slides between guides, for hoisting mineral and rock.

(7): ( n.) A charge of sirup in the pans.

(8): ( v. t.) To pass over or by without notice; to omit; to miss; as, to skip a line in reading; to skip a lesson.

(9): ( n.) A light leap or bound.

(10): ( v. t.) To cause to skip; as, to skip a stone.

(11): ( v. i.) To leap lightly; to move in leaps and hounds; - commonly implying a sportive spirit.

(12): ( v. i.) Fig.: To leave matters unnoticed, as in reading, speaking, or writing; to pass by, or overlook, portions of a thing; - often followed by over.

(13): ( v. t.) To leap lightly over; as, to skip the rope.

Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [2]

 Psalm 29:6 (b) This is a poetical expression which indicates the great joy that the leaders of the kingdoms of this world will have when our Lord rules and reigns, and all His enemies are under His feet. Cedars are usually taken as a type of the great men of God, or great men in other departments of life. Cedars are also taken as a type of the collective Christian life. The Lord is surely telling us of the joy that will fill the heart when He rules in the earth. (See also  Psalm 114:4-6).

 Song of Solomon 2:8 (b) Again we understand this to represent the feelings of the bride about the poet-King whom she loves so much. The heart cannot express itself in ordinary language when talking about our love for the mighty God, the wonderful Father, or the precious Saviour.

 Jeremiah 48:27 (b) Probably this represents the feelings of the Moabites as they spoke in derision, scorn and hatred of their neighbor, the Israelite.

King James Dictionary [3]

Skip, To leap to bound to spring as a goat or lamb.

To skip over, to pass without notice to omit.

Skip, To pass over or by to omit to miss.
