Silas Millon Andrews

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Silas Millon Andrews [1]

D.D., a minister of the Presbyterian Church, was born in Brown County, N. C., March 11,1805. His parents were Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, and emigrated to this country at an early day. After a preparatory training, Mr. Andrews entered the University of North Carolina, and graduated therefrom in 1825. Though he had the ministry in view, he devoted three years to teaching in a classical academy. He then entered the Princeton (N. J.) Theological Seminary, where he graduated in 1831. His first charge after his ordination, and his last, was at Doylestown, Pa. In October, 1849, he was elected clerk of the Synod of Philadelphia, and continued in the faithful discharge of the duties of that office until the reunion of the Church in 1870. For nearly half a century he broke the bread of life to his beloved people. He died at Doylestown, March 7, 1881. See N. Y. Observer, March 17, 1881. (W. P. S.)
