Bridgeway Bible Dictionary [1]
In the Bible mighty works, miracles, wonders and signs are often linked together. This is because God’s miracles are not merely extraordinary events, but extraordinary events with a meaning. They reveal something of the power and purposes of God ( Exodus 7:3; Deuteronomy 4:34; Deuteronomy 7:19; Joshua 24:17; John 2:11; Acts 2:22; Acts 2:43; Hebrews 2:4).
Jesus’ miracles of raising the dead, healing the sick and casting out demons were clear evidence that the kingdom of God had come ( Matthew 11:2-6; Matthew 12:28; see Kingdom Of God ), and that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God ( John 2:11; John 4:54; John 20:30-31). Yet many of the Jews refused to accept the evidence. They wanted Jesus to perform some special sign as added proof that he was the Messiah who had come from God. This was something Jesus consistently refused to do. The only sign to be given them would be the sign of Jesus’ resurrection, by which the Father would show clearly that Jesus was his Son ( Matthew 12:38-40; Matthew 16:1-4; John 2:18-25; see Messiah ; Miracles ).
After Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, his apostles did the same sorts of signs and miracles as Jesus himself had done previously. The power of Jesus now worked through them, enabling them to continue the work of Jesus by proclaiming the kingdom of God and establishing his church in the world ( Acts 2:43; Acts 3:6; Acts 4:30; Acts 5:12; Acts 8:12-13; 2 Corinthians 12:12; Hebrews 2:3-4). The enemy of Christ also uses signs and wonders, but he does so in order to deceive people and lead them to destruction ( Matthew 24:24; 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11; Revelation 13:11-14).
Morrish Bible Dictionary [2]
1. The lights in the firmament of the heaven are said to be for 'signs' as well as for 'seasons.' Genesis 1:14 . A false application has been made of this passage in using the varied positions of the sun, moon, and planets as a means to foretell events. Of what then are they signs? it may be asked. This is perhaps answered in Psalm 19:1-6 . The stupendous distance and marvellous regularity in the movements of the heavenly bodies are a sign of the glory of the One that created them, as is stated of God in Rom, 1:20; "The invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead," or divinity.
2. Signs were wrought by Moses, first to convince the children of Israel that God had sent him; and then to attest and enforce on the Egyptians God's demands upon Pharaoh to let the Israelites go that they might serve Him. Psalm 78:43 . So in other cases, signs were given to show the finger of God.
3. When Christ was on earth He wrought miracles, wonders, and signs, but the Pharisees and Sadducees demanded of Him 'a sign from heaven,' Matthew 16:1 , and it is added that they did this 'tempting Him.' He was Himself God's sign, according to Isaiah 7:14 , as the manna was the sign of God to Israel in the wilderness. As they had not eyes to see God's signs, they should have no other sign than that of Jonah ( Matthew 12:39,40 ), that is, of a man who was cast into the overwhelming judgement of God, and found deliverance from Him. Christ's death and resurrection is God's way of deliverance. In Matthew 16:4 the Lord does not mention the type being fulfilled in Himself for them, but we have the dreadful words, "He left them and departed": they were left in the judgement of Jonah. See MIRACLES.
Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [3]
"to nod to" (en, "in," neuo, "to nod"), denotes "to make a sign to" in Luke 1:62 . In the Sept., Proverbs 6:13; 10:10 .
Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary [4]
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