Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]
"to give a sign, indicate" (sema, "a sign:" cp. SIGN, No. 1), "to signify," is so translated in John 12:33; 18:32; 21:19; Acts 11:28; 25:27; Revelation 1:1 , where perhaps the suggestion is that of expressing by signs.
"to make plain" (delos, "evident"), is translated "to signify" in 1—Corinthians 1:11 , RV, "it hath been signified" (AV, "declared"); Hebrews 9:8; 12:27; 1—Peter 1:11 , AV (RV, "Point unto"); 2—Peter 1:14 , RV, "sifnified" (AV, "hath showed"). See Point (unto).
"to manifest, make known," is translated "signify" in Acts 23:15; Acts 23:22 , RV (AV, "hath showed"). See Appear , No. 5.
King James Dictionary [2]
SIG'NIFY, 5 t. L. significo signum, a sign, and facio, to make.
1. To make known something, either by signs or words to express or communicate to another any idea, thought, wish, a hod, wink, gesture, signal or other sign. A man signifies his mind by his voice or by written characters he may signify his mind by a nod or other motion, provided the person to whom he directs it, understands what is intend by it. A general or an admiral signifies his commands by signals to officers as a distance. 2. To mean to have or contain a certain sense. The word sabbath signifies rest. Less, in composition, as in faithless, signifies destitution or want. The prefix re, in recommend, seldom signifies any thing. 3. To import to weigh to have consequence used in particular phrases as, it signifies much or little it signifies nothing. What does it signify? What signify the splendors of a court? Confession of sin without reformation of life, can signify nothing in the view of God. 4. To make known to declare. The government should signify to the protestants of Ireland that want of silver is not to be remedied.
Webster's Dictionary [3]
(1): ( n.) To show by a sign; to communicate by any conventional token, as words, gestures, signals, or the like; to announce; to make known; to declare; to express; as, a signified his desire to be present.
(2): ( n.) To mean; to import; to denote; to betoken.