
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): ( v. i.) Acute; sharp; piercing; having or emitting a sharp, piercing tone or sound; - said of a sound, or of that which produces a sound.

(2): ( n.) A shrill sound.

(3): ( v. t.) To utter or express in a shrill tone; to cause to make a shrill sound.

(4): ( v. i.) To utter an acute, piercing sound; to sound with a sharp, shrill tone; to become shrill.

King James Dictionary [2]

Shrill, a. L. grillus.

1. Sharp acute piercing as sound as a shrill voice shrill echoes. 2. Uttering an acute sound as the cock's shrill sounding throat a shrill trumpet.

Note. A shrill may be tremulous of trilling but this circumstance is not essential it, although it seems to be of the root of trill.

Shrill, To utter an acute piercing sound.

Break we out pipes that shrill'd as loud as lark. Spenser.

Shrill, To cause to make a shrill sound.
