
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

King James Dictionary [1]

Short'Ness, n.

1. The quality of being short in space or time little length or little duration as the shortness of a journey or of distance the shortness of the days in winter the shortness of life. 2. Fewness of words brevity conciseness as th eshortness of an essay. The prayers of the church, by reason of their shortness, are easy for the memory. 3. Want of reach or the power of retention as the shortness of the memory. 4. Deficiency imperfection limited extent as the shortness of our reason.

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(n.) The quality or state of being short; want of reach or extension; brevity; deficiency; as, the shortness of a journey; the shortness of the days in winter; the shortness of an essay; the shortness of the memory; a shortness of provisions; shortness of breath.
