Smith's Bible Dictionary [1]
Shal'lecheth. (Overthrow). The Gate Shallecheth . One of the gates of the "house of Jehovah ." 1 Chronicles 26:16. It was the gate. "to the causeway of the ascent." As the causeway is actually in existence, the gate Shallecheth can hardly fail to be identical with the Bab Silsileh or Sinsleh which enters the west wall of the Haram, about 600 feet from the southwest corner of the Haram wall.
Morrish Bible Dictionary [2]
A gate 'by the causeway of the going up.' 1 Chronicles 26:16 . The 'going up' doubtless alluded to a pathway that ascended from the lower part of the city to some entrance of the temple: cf. 1 Kings 10:5 . Such a causeway can still be traced, but it is hidden, under the houses built in the valley.
Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [3]
SHALLECHETH . See Jerusalem, II. 4 .
Holman Bible Dictionary [4]
Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [5]
[some Shalle'cheth] (Heb. Shalle'keth, שִׁלֶּכֶת , Overthrow ; Sept. Παστοφόριον ) , the name of a gate on the west of Solomon's temple, which fell to the lot of the porters Shuppim and Hosah (1 Chronicles probably was that called Kipponos (Coponius) in the Talmud (Middoth, 1, 3). It is probably also identical with the gate Sur ( 2 Kings 11:6) or that of the "Foundation" ( 2 Chronicles 23:5). If, however, the causeway be the same as that by which the water is now conveyed to the Haram, the gate in question may have been at the present Bab Silsileh, much farther north. (See Temple).