Severus Antonius Ferloni

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Severus Antonius Ferloni [1]

a Roman ecclesiastic, born in the States of the Church in 1740. He employed himself for thirty years on a History of the Variations in the Discipline of the Church which was to form 30 vols., and was on the point of completion when the French army entered Rome in 1798. His papers were destroyed and his labor lost. Ferloni was soon after engaged on the side of Napoleon, wrote homilies in his favor, and was made theologian to the privy council of the viceroy at Milan. Among other things he wrote a treatise De Auctoritate Ecclesiae, maintaining French views, but the censors would not allow it to appear. He died at Milan, 1813.-Migne, Biographie Chret. s.v.
