Seducing Seduce

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Seducing Seduce [1]

'''A — 1: πλανάω (Strong'S #4105 — Verb — planao — plan-ah'-o )

"to cause to wander, lead astray," is translated "to seduce" in  1 John 2:26 , Av (Rv, "lead ... astray"); in  Revelation 2:20 , "to seduce." See Deceit , C, No. 6.

'''A — 2: ἀποπλανάω (Strong'S #635 — Verb — apoplanao — ap-op-lan-ah'-o )

is translated "seduce" in  Mark 13:22 (Rv, "lead astray"); see Lead , No. 13.

'''B — 1: πλάνος (Strong'S #4108 — Adjective — planos — plan'-os )

akin to A, lit., "wandering," then, "deceiving," is translated "seducing" in  1 Timothy 4:1 . See Deceiver , No. 1.
