Secondarily Second Secondly

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Secondarily Second Secondly [1]

1: δεύτερος (Strong'S #1208 — Adjective — deuteros — dyoo'-ter-os )

denotes "second in order" with or without the idea of time, e.g.,  Matthew 22:26,39;  2 Corinthians 1:15;  Revelation 2:11; in  Revelation 14:8 , Rv only ("a second angel"); it is used in the neuter, deuteron, adverbially, signifying a "second" time, e.g.,  John 3:4;  21:16;  Acts 7:13;  Revelation 19:3 , Rv (Av, "again");  Jude 1:5 , "afterward" (Rv, marg., "the second time"); used with ek ("of") idiomatically, the preposition signifying "for (the second time),"  Mark 14:72;  John 9:24 and   Acts 11:9 , Rv (Av, "again");  Hebrews 9:28; in  1 Corinthians 12:28 , Av, "secondarily," Rv, "secondly."

 Acts 13:33

2: δευτεραῖος (Strong'S #1206 — Adjective — deuteraios — dyoo-ter-ah'-yos )

an adjective with an adverbial sense (from No. 1), is used in  Acts 28:13 , Rv, "on the second day" (Av, "the next day"), lit., "second day (persons we came)."

 Luke 6:1
