Scultet(Us), (Schultz), Abraham
Scultet(Us), (Schultz), Abraham [1]
Scultet(us), (Schultz), Abraham,
was born at Grumberg, in Silesia, Aug. 24,1556, and went to Breslau in 1582. Obliged to leave on account of his father's loss of fortune, he took a situation as tutor in Freistadt, where he enjoyed the opportunity of hearing the sermons of Melancthon and of Abraham Bucholtzer. In 1584 he made a journey to Poland, and the year following to Gorlitz, in Lusatia, where he remained two years, attending public lectures and reading private lectures to others. In the same manner he employed himself in the University of Wittenberg and Heidelberg, till he was-admitted into the Church in 1594. Officiating in a village church for a few months, he was sent for by the elector to be one of his preachers. In 1598 he was appointed pastor of the Church of St. Francis, Heidelberg, and two years after became a member of the Ecclesiastical Senate. He was appointed court preacher about 1615, which position he retained until he accepted the professorship of divinity in 1618. After the bat-tie of Prague he resolved to return to Heidelberg; but the fury of war had dispersed the students, and he retired to Emden in August, 1622, where he died, Oct. 24,1625. His principal works are, Confutatio Disputa-tionis Baronii de Baptismo Consantini (Neost. 1607, 4to): Annales Evagelii per Europam 15. Saeculi Renovati (Heidelb. 1618, 8vo) : — Axiomata Concionandi (Han 1619, 8vo) : — Observationes in Pauli Epistolas ad Time-rheum, Titum, et Philemon Medulla Patrum (1634, 4to).