Webster's Dictionary [1]
(1): ( a.) Preserving; rescuing.
(2): ( a.) Avoiding unnecessary expense or waste; frugal; not lavish or wasteful; economical; as, a saving cook.
(3): ( a.) Bringing back in returns or in receipts the sum expended; incurring no loss, though not gainful; as, a saving bargain; the ship has made a saving voyage.
(4): ( a.) Making reservation or exception; as, a saving clause.
(5): ( participle) With the exception of; except; excepting; also, without disrespect to.
(6): ( n.) Something kept from being expended or lost; that which is saved or laid up; as, the savings of years of economy.
(7): ( n.) Exception; reservation.
(8): ( p. pr. & vb. n.) of Save
King James Dictionary [2]
SA'VING, ppr.
1. Preserving from evil or destruction hindering from waste or loss sparing taking or using in time. 2. Excepting. 3. a. Frugal not lavish avoiding unnecessary expenses economical parsimonious. But it implies less rigorous economy than parsimonious as a saving husbandman or housekeeper. 4. That saves in returns or receipts the principal or sum employed or expended that incurs no loss, though not gainful as a saving bargain. The ship has made a saving voyage. 5. That secures everlasting salvation as saving grace.
1. Something kept from being expended or lost.
By reducing the interest of the debt, the nation makes a saving.
2. Exception reservation.
Contend not with those that are too strong for us, but still with a saving to honesty.
Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [3]
used as a preposition, denotes "saving," Matthew 5:32 (in some mss. 19:9). See Except.