Samuel W. Mccracken

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Samuel W. Mccracken [1]

a Presbyterian minister, was born near Lexington, Ky., Jan. 12, 1800; was educated at Miami University (class of 1831); studied theology at Maryville, Tenn., and was elected professor of mathematics in the college at Maryville; was afterwards chosen professor of mathematics in Miami University; was licensed by Ohio First Presbytery in 1835, and in 1836 was ordained; in 1839 accepted a call to Hopewell Church, Ohio, and resigned his professorship in the university; here he continued to labor until his death, Sept. 10, 1859. Mr. McCracken maintained a high reputation for talent; prudent and far-sighted, his counsels were always worthy of consideration; opposed to all expedients, he made experience the basis of action. See Wilson, Presb. Hist. Alm. 1861, p. 209. (J. L. S.)
