Samuel Kennedy Talmage

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Samuel Kennedy Talmage [1]

a Presbyterian divine, was born at Somerville, N. J., Dec. 11, 1798. He graduated at the College of New Jersey in 1820; taught in an academy for two years; was tutor in the College of New Jersey for three years, employing his leisure hours in studying theology privately; was licensed and ordained an evangelist in 1825 by the Newton Presbytery; labored as a missionary at Hamburg and other points in Edgefield District, S. C., for one year; in 1827 was a colleague with the Rev. S. S. Davis, D.D., in supplying the First Presbyterian Church at Augusta, Ga.; in 1828 became pastor of the Augusta Church; in 1836 was elected professor of languages in Oglethorpe University, which chair he held until 1840, when he was elected president of the institution, where he continued to labor until 1862, when his health failed. He died Sept. 2, 1865; Dr. Talmage was an able minister, a fine scholar, and a successful instructor. See Wilson, Presb. Hist. Almanac, 1866, p. 363.
