Samuel Haven
Samuel Haven [1]
a Congregational minister, was born in Framingham, Massachusetts, August 4, 1727 (O.S.). After graduating in 1749 from. Harvard College, he was instructed in theology by Reverend Ebenezer Parkman. He was ordained, May 6, 1752, pastor of the First Church in Portsmouth, where he ministered until his death, March 3, 1806. Possessing unusual powers of oratory, he attained an extensive popularity. Although poor himself, he ministered to the destitute with a profuse liberality, especially during the Revolutionary struggle. As a means of usefulness he studied medicine, and practised gratuitously among the poor. After 1799 he only preached occasionally, and the last year and a half he was incapable of performing the duties of his office. On account of his unusual pulpit talents, his friends likened him to Whitefield. His printed sermons are numerous. See Sprague, Annals of the Amer. Pulpit, 1:495.