Samuel Ben-David Ben-Jechiel Otolengo Of Casale

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Samuel Ben-David Ben-Jechiel Otolengo Of Casale [1]

a noted Italian rabbi, flourished for a while at Venice, and died at Padua Aug. 22,1718. He distinguished himself as a poet and grammarian, and published שמואל מעיל , "the Mantle of Samuel," being extracts from the שני לוחות הברית of Isaiah Horwitz (q.v.), to which he also wrote an Index (Venice, 1705): נאמנה קריה , extracts from the מעבר יבק of Aaron Berechja befi-Moses ben-Nechemia of Modena, important for ascetic literature (ibid. 1701): תקוןשובבים Correctio Seu Institutio Ponitentium, a ritual containing precepts, prayers, hymns, etc. (2d ed. Venice, 1719). See First, Bibl. Jud. 3:58; Wolf, Bibl. Hebr. 1:1094; 3:1080; Jocher, Allgesmeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, 3:1134. (B. P.)
