Round About Round

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Round About Round [1]

1: κυκλόθεν (Strong'S #2943 — Adverb — kuklothen — koo-kloth'-en )

from kuklos, "a circle, ring" (Eng., "cycle," etc.), occurs in  Revelation 4:3,4; in  Revelation 4:8 , Rv, "round about," with reference to the eyes.

2: πάντοθεν (Strong'S #3840 — Adverb — panothen — pan-toth'-en )

"on all sides" (from pas, "all"), is translated "round about" in  Hebrews 9:4 . See Everywhere , No. 3.

3: πέριξ (Strong'S #4038 — Adverb — perix — per'-ix )

from the preposition peri, "around," occurs in  Acts 5:16 , "round about" (of cities).

4: κύκλῳ (Strong'S #2945 — Adverb — kuklo — koo'-klo )

the dative case of the noun kuklos, "a ring," is used as an adverb, and translated "round about" in  Mark 3:34 , Av (Rv, "round"); 6:6,36;  Luke 9:12;  Romans 15:19;  Revelation 4:6;  7:11 .
