Rotuman Version.

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Rotuman Version. [1]

About 300 miles north of Fiji is an island called Rotumah, with a population of less than 3000, and until lately wholly enveloped in heathen darkness. In 1865 the Rev. W. Fletcher, of the Wesleyan Missionary Society, commenced missionary work among the people, and his three years' labor in that place resulted in bringing a large proportion of the population under the influence of the Gospel. In the year 1869 Mr. Fletcher commenced a translation of the New Test. in the Rotuman dialect, which was printed at Sydney, and has been in circulation since 1871. Mr. Fletcher, in consequence of the extremely trying character of the climate, was compelled to leave the island, but his translation was prepared with all possible promptitude. European missionaries are not allowed to reside permanently in Rotumah, and the future progress of the mission must depend mainly on the efforts of native teachers and the presence among the people of the Word of God in their own vernacular. (B.P.)
