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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

A — 1: Τόπος (Strong'S #5117 — Noun Masculine — topos — top'-os )

"a place," is translated "room" in  Luke 2:7;  14:22 , i.e., "place;" in the AV in  Luke 14:9,10 , RV, "place" (of a couch at a feast); of a position or condition which a person occupies,  1—Corinthians 14:16 (RV, "place"). See Opportunity , Place.

A — 2: Πρωτοκλισία (Strong'S #4411 — Noun Feminine — protoklisia — pro-tok-lis-ee'-ah )

"the chief reclining place at table," is rendered "uppermost rooms," in  Matthew 23:6 , AV (RV, "chief place"); in  Mark 12:39 , "uppermost rooms," AV (RV, "chief places"); in  Luke 14:7 , "chief rooms," AV (RV, "chief seats"); in  Luke 14:8 , AV, "highest room" (RV, "chief seat"); in  Luke 20:46 , AV, "highest seats" (RV, "chief seats"). See Chief , B, No. 7, Place No. 5.

A — 3: Ἀνάγαιον (Strong'S #508 — Noun Neuter — anagaion | anogeon — an-ogue'-eh-on )

"an upper room" (ana, "above," ge, "ground"), occurs in  Mark 14:15;  Luke 22:12 , "a chamber," often over a porch, or connected with the roof, where meals were taken and privacy obtained.

A — 4: Ὑπερῷον (Strong'S #5253 — Noun Neuter — huperoon — hoop-er-o'-on )

the neuter of the adjective huperoos, "upper" (from huper, "above"), used as a noun, denoted in classical Greek "an upper story" or "room" where the women resided; in the Sept. and the NT, "an upper chamber, a roof-chamber," built on the flat "roof" of the house,  Acts 1:13 , RV, "upper chamber" (AV "upper room"); see Chamber , No. 2.

B — 1: Χωρέω (Strong'S #5562 — Verb — choreo — kho-reh'-o )

"to make room," is translated "there was ... room" in  Mark 2:2 . See Contain , No. 1

C — 1: Ἀντί (Strong'S #473 — Preposition — anti — an-tee' )

"in place of, instead of," is translated "in the room of" in  Matthew 2:22 .

 Luke 12:17 Acts 24:27

King James Dictionary [2]

ROOM, n.

1. Space compass extent of place, great or small. Let the words occupy as little room as possible. 2. Space or place unoccupied.

Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room.  Luke 14 .

3. Place for reception or admission of any thing. In this case, there is no room for doubt or for argument. 4. Place of another stead as in succession or substitution. One magistrate or king comes in the room of a former one. We often place one thing in the room of another.  1 Kings 20 . 5. Unoccupied opportunity. The eager pursuit of wealth leaves little room for serious reflection. 6. An apartment in a house any division separated from the rest by a partition as a parlor, drawing room or bed-room also an apartment in a ship, as the cook-room, bread-room, gun-room, &c. 7. A seat.  Luke 14 .

To make room, to open a way or passage to free from obstructions.

To make room, to open a space or place for any thing.

To give room, to withdraw to leave space unoccupied for others to pass or to be seated.

ROOM, To occupy an apartment to lodge an academic use of the word. A B rooms at No. 7.

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(1): ( n.) A man recently married, or about to be married; a bridegroom.

(2): ( v. i.) To tend or care for, or to curry or clean, as a, horse.

(3): ( n.) One of several officers of the English royal household, chiefly in the lord chamberlain's department; as, the groom of the chamber; the groom of the stole.

(4): ( n.) A boy or young man; a waiter; a servant; especially, a man or boy who has charge of horses, or the stable.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [4]

ROOM . See House, § 2 . For the ‘upper room,’ see ib. § 5 , and for the now obsolete use of ‘room’ in the sense of place at table, as ‘the chief room’ (  Luke 14:7 ), the ‘highest room’ (v. 8 RV [Note: Revised Version.] in both cases ‘chief seat’), or ‘the uppermost room’ (  Matthew 23:6 ,   Mark 12:39 , RV [Note: Revised Version.] ‘chief place’), see Meals, § 6 .

A. R. S. Kennedy.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [5]

Room. The references to "room" in  Matthew 23:6;  Mark 12:39;  Luke 14:7-8;  Luke 20:46, signify the highest place, on the highest couch, round the dinner or supper table - the "uppermost seat", as it is more accurately rendered in  Luke 11:43.

Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [6]

 Psalm 31:8 (a) No doubt this refers to the liberty, power and freedom which that soul experiences which meets Jesus Christ and is set free by the Son of GOD.

 Matthew 23:6 (b) We have here a picture of the pride in man's heart which makes him desire a place of recognition among those with whom he is associated. (See also  Luke 14:9).

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [7]

In  Matthew 23:6;  Mark 12:39;  Luke 14:7-8;  Luke 20:46, not in our sense, but "place at table". Expressed in  Luke 11:43 "uppermost". (See Rehoboth .)

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [8]

Is sometimes synonymous with seat or place, as in  Luke 14:8-10;  20:46 .

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [9]

is employed in the A.V. as the equivalent of no less than four Heb. and eight Greek terms. The only one of these, however, which need be noticed here is ΠρωτοκλισίαMatthew 23:6;  Mark 12:39;  Luke 14:7-8;  Luke 20:46), which signifies, not a "room" in the sense we commonly attach to it of a chamber, but the highest place on the highest couch round the dinner or supper table the "uppermost seat, "as it is more accurately rendered in  Luke 11:43. (See Meal). The word "seat" is, however, generally appropriated by our translators to Καθέδρα , which seems to mean some kind of official chair. In  Luke 14:9-10, they have rendered Τόπος by both "place" and "room." (See Upper Room).

The convenience of dividing habitations into separate apartments early suggested itself. We read of various kinds of rooms in Scripture bedchamber, inner chamber, upper chamber, bride chamber, guest chamber, guard chamber, of the king's house. In early times the females and children of the family slept in one room, on a separate beds, and the males in another. (See Chamber).

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [10]

Room [HOUSE]
