Rooert Philip

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Rooert Philip [1]

an English dissenting divine, was born in 1791, and was educated at Owen College, Manchester, and after ordination preached to several Independent congregations, until at last he was called to the pastorate of Maberley Chapel, London, where he died in 1858. He wrote, Christian Experience, Gu'cide to the Perplexed: Communion. with God, Guide to the Devotional: Eternity Realized, Guide to the Thoughtful: The God of Glory, Guide to the Doubting: On Pleasing God, Guide to the Conscientious: Redemption, or the New Song in Heaven. Reverend Albert Barnes wrote an introduction to these six works. and they were published under the title of Devotional Guides (N.Y. 1867, 2 volumes, 12mo). Dr. Philip also published, Sacramental Experience, a Guide to Communicants (new ed. Loud. 1844, 18mlo): The Marys, or Beauty of Female Holiness (1840, roy. 18mo): The Marthas, or Varieties of Fenale Piety (1840, sm. 18mo): The Lydias, or Development of Female Character (1841, roy. 18mo): The Hannahs, or Maternal Influence on Sons (1841, 12mo). These were published collectively as the "Lady's Closet Library" (4 volumes, 18mo): Manly Piety in its Principles (1837, 18mo): Manly Piety in its Realizations (1837, 18mo), were published in 1 volume 12mo, munder the title of the "Young Man's Closet Library:" The Comforter or the Love of the Spirit (Lond. 1836, 18mo): The Eternal, or the Attributes of Jehovah, etc. (1846, fcp. 8vo): The Elijah of South Africa (1852, fcp. 8vo): Life, Times, etc., of John Bunyan (1838, 12mo): Bunyan's Pilginm's Progress (Lond. 1843, roy. 18mo): Life and Times of the Reverend Samuel Whitefield (1838. 8vo): Life and Opinions of the Reverend William Milne (1839, post 8vo): Life and Times of the Reverend John Campbell (Lond. 1841, 8vo): Introductory Essay To The Practical Works Of The Reverend Richard Baxter (1838, 4 volumes). (J.H.W.)
