Smith's Bible Dictionary [1]
Roebuck. The Hebrew words, thus translated, denote some species of antelope, probably the Gazella arabica of Syria and Arabia.
The gazelle was allowed as food, Deuteronomy 12:15; Deuteronomy 12:22; etc.;
it is mentioned as very fleet of foot, 2 Samuel 2:18; 1 Chronicles 12:8,
it was hunted, Isaiah 13:14; Proverbs 6:5,
it was celebrated for its loveliness. Song of Solomon 2:9; Song of Solomon 2:17; Song of Solomon 8:14.
King James Dictionary [2]
Roebuck, n.
1. A species of deer, the Cervus capreolus, with erect cylindrical branched horns, forked at the summit. This is one of the smallest of the cervine genus, but of elegant shape and remarkably nimble. It prefers a mountainous country, and herds in families. 2. Roe, the female of the hart.
Webster's Dictionary [3]
(n.) A small European and Asiatic deer (Capreolus capraea) having erect, cylindrical, branched antlers, forked at the summit. This, the smallest European deer, is very nimble and graceful. It always prefers a mountainous country, or high grounds.