Robert Hamilton

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Robert Hamilton [1]

a minister of the Church of Scotland, was a son of Dr. William Hamilton, for many years a professor in Edinburgh University, and was born and educated within its walls. He was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Edinburgh, and served the Church of Cramond, near by, and Lady Yestor's Old Greyfriars' Church in the same city. In 1754 he was elected to the chair of divinity in the university, where he labored until failing health caused the election of Dr. Andrew Hunter as his assistant, and afterwards as his successor. Dr. Hamilton retired soon after this election, in 1779, from active work, and died April 3, 1787. He was moderator of the assembly in 1754 and 1760. See Annals of the Church of Scotland, 1739-66, 2:386.
