Richard Cary Morse

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Richard Cary Morse [1]

an American Presbyterian minister, noted as a religious journalist, and son of Jedediah Morse, was born June 18, 1795, at Charlestown, Massachusetts. At the age of nine he was sent to Phillips's Academy, Andover, to prepare for admission to college, and entered Yale College in 1808. He graduated in 1812, the youngest member of his class. The year immediately following his graduation. he spent in New Haven, being employed as the amatuensis of president Dwight, and living in his family, and thus enjoyed an association invaluable to an man, and by which, no doubt, Mr. Morse was greatly profited. In 1814 he entered the theological seminary at Andover, and, having passed through the regular three years' course, was licensed to preach in 1817. The winter immediately succeeding his licensure he spent in South Catblina as a supply of the Presbyterian church on John's Island. He became, however, early impressed with the idea that he had not the requisite natural qualifications for the ministry, and therefore silently retired from it, though his whole life was a continued act of devotion to the objects which the ministry contemplates. On his return to New England he became associated with his father for some time in a very successful geographical enterprise; and in the spring of 1823 enlisted with his brother in another enterprise still more important the establishing of the New York Observer, of which he was associate editor and proprietor for the remainder of his life, and during this long period contributed largely to its columns, especially by translations from the French and German. He died, while abroad on a visit to recuperate his health, at Kissingen, Germany, September 22, 1868. Under the ordering of a wise and gracius Providence, his circumstances from the very beginning of life acted upon him as a benign influence. What his early training was may be inferred from his distinguished parentage, and his intimate association with Dr. Dwight. And, indeed, during his whole life his associations, whether viewed in respect to near relationship or general acquaintance, were fitted to develop and mature both the intellectual and moral man. His Christian character shone conspicuously in all his life. He not only had a strong conviction of the truth of the Gospel, but a high appreciation of the system of evangelical doctrine. He became at an early period a communicant in the Church, and his whole subsequent life was worthy of his Christian profession. See New York Observer, November 5, 1868; and the Jubilee Year-book of that paper for 1873. (J.H.W.)
