Richard Bell

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Richard Bell [1]

an English Wesleyan minister, was born at Leeds, June 4, 1820. He was converted when eighteen years of age; entered the ministry in 1849; became a supernumerary in 1873; took up his residence at Beverley; and died Nov. 14, 1874. Mr. Bell had a cultivated mind; his preaching was attractive and edifying; he promoted the religious instruction of the young; and his amiableness of disposition and blamelessness of life secured the esteem and love of the people. Mr. Bell wrote, The Claims of the Bible (3d ed. Lond. 1857, 12mo): The Human Mind (Leicester, 1860, 12mo): The Great Possession (Lond. 1867, 12mo, pp. 460): Existence after Death (ibid. 12mo). See Minutes of the British Conference, 1875, p. 16; Osborne, Meth. Bibliography, s.v.
