
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Reuchlin [1]

a name common to several Lutheran theologians, of whom we here mention the following:

1. CHRISTOPH, the teacher of the famous Bengel, born in 1660, studied at Tubingen and Wittenberg, and died at the former place, June 11, 1707, doctor and professor of theology. He wrote, De Artificio Jacobi Magico, Etc .: De Diluvio Mosaico, Etc .: De Nova Creatione  Ephesians 2:10 : De Evangelio ad  Romans 1:16-17 : De Credendis E Scripturae Sacra Dictis Exegesi Theologica Demonstratis. De Dubitatione Cairtesiana. De Arianismo, etc. See Jocher. Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v.

2. Friedrich Jacob born at Gerstheim, near Strasburg, in 1695, and died at the latter place, June 3, 1788, doctor and professor of theology, is the author of De Doctrina Cypriaana (1751-56, 3 parts). See Winer, Handbuch Der Theol. Lit. 1:906.

3. HERMANN, who died at Stuttgard in 1873, doctor of philosophy, wrote, Das Christenthum In Frankreich Innerhalb Und Ausserhalb Der Kirche (Hamburg,1837): Geschichte Von Port-Royal, etc. (1839, 2 volumes): Pascal'S Leben, etc.. (Stuttgard, 1840). See Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. s.v. (B.P.)
