
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Smith's Bible Dictionary [1]

Rehabi'ah. (Enlarged By Jehovah). The only son of Eliezer, the son of Moses.  1 Chronicles 23:17;  1 Chronicles 24:21;  1 Chronicles 26:25. (B.C. about 1455).

Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary [2]

One of the Levites,  1 Chronicles 23:17. His name seems to be derived from Rachab, breadth, or extent—and therefore joined to Jah, it may be supposed to mean an enlargement in my Lord.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [3]

Rehabiah . A Levitical family (  1 Chronicles 23:17;   1 Chronicles 24:21;   1 Chronicles 26:26 ).

Morrish Bible Dictionary [4]

Son of Eliezer, a son of Moses.  1 Chronicles 23:17;  1 Chronicles 24:21;  1 Chronicles 26:25 .

Holman Bible Dictionary [5]

 1 Chronicles 23:17 1 Chronicles 24:21 1 Chronicles 26:25

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [6]

A grandson of Moses, and the only son of Eliezer; his numerous posterity are mentioned as betokening the divine favor,  1 Chronicles 23:17 .

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [7]

 1 Chronicles 23:17;  1 Chronicles 24:21.

Easton's Bible Dictionary [8]

 1 Chronicles 23:17 24:21

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [9]

(Heb. Rechabyah', רְחִבְיָה , Enlarged By Jehovah; also, in the prolonged form, Rechabya'Hu, רְחִבְיָהוּ ,  1 Chronicles 24:21;  1 Chronicles 26:25; Sept. ῾Ρααβιά or ῾Ρααβίας , v. r. ῾Ραβιά or ῾Ραβίας ) , the only son of Eliezer, son of Moses; himself the father of many sons ( 1 Chronicles 23:17), of whom the eldest was Isshiah1 Chronicles 24:21) or Jeshaiah1 Chronicles 26:25). B.C. post 1618.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [10]

- ha - bı̄´a ( רחביה , reḥabhyāh , רחביהוּ , reḥabhyāhū , "Yah is wide"): Son of Eliezer, and grandson of Moses. Eponym of a Levitical family (  1 Chronicles 23:17; 24, 21;  1 Chronicles 26:25 ).
